18:59 Enghien
Prix Du Pont Saint-louis - Monte
• 2875m
• €40,000
• 9
4 yrs
Has major disqualification issues and was disqualified last time out at this track on 7 March. Hard to trust but is capable of a surprise when wise
Ch Barboni
4 yrs
Yet to win a race and finished 8th last time out in a Class D Mounted race at Vincennes over 2700m on 17 February. Others make more appeal
Somchay Sirisackd
4 yrs
Yet to win a race but was runner-up last time out in a Class E Mounted race over this track and trip on 7 March. Has a place chance
J P Aury
4 yrs
Very consistent and was third last time out in a Class D Mounted race at Vincennes over 2700m on 17 February. Can contest the finish yet again
Ch G Vigier
4 yrs
Yet to win a race and finished 7th last time out in a Class C Mounted race over this track and trip on 14 March. Needs to find a few lengths to win
Christophe Amigo
4 yrs
Has some fair form and was not disgraced when 5th in a Class C Mounted race over this course and distance on 14 March. Capable of earning some money
Ecurie Thierry Raffegeau
4 yrs
Returned to form and finished fourth in a Class D Mounted race at Vincennes over 2700m on 17 February. Not out of it
Ecurie Alexis Grimault
4 yrs
Has some fair form and was not disgraced when third in a Class D harness race at Saint-Galmier over 2600m on 5 March. Might earn some minor money
P Levy
4 yrs
Very consistent in this disciplien and was runner-up last time out in a Class D Mounted race at Vincennes over 2700m on 17 February
Ph Beauvisage
4 yrs
A winner of three of his four starts so far m including last time out in a Class D Mounted race at Vincennes over 2175m on 6 december. returns from a break but has a winning chance
J Seche
Race Overview
LOUSTIC DU VIVIER (9) has impressed in all three starts in this code and runs unshod today, giving him every chance to deliver. LOLO DU VELO (10) has been off since December 6 but is a horse with plenty of ability and could make a winning return. LOUSTIC (4) has hit the frame in both previous barefoot outings and is expected to be right in the mix again. LITTLELOU MATIDY (7) has the talent to feature prominently if she does not blow her chances at the start.
9 - 10 - 4