15:33 Enghien
Prix De Pierrefort - Attele
• 2150m
• €53,000
• 15
5 yrs
4th of 14 in a 2700m Vincennes Class C a month ago. Has respectable credentials in this category and Eric Raffin will not be inconvenienced by the draw. First 5
Andre Alfred Leveque
5 yrs
Second only to a very good horse in a 2100m Vincennes Class C early last month. Handed a good draw, has decent Enghien references, and can bring the fight to KER POULGWEN (8)
Ecurie Des Charmes
5 yrs
Pleasant 5th of 16 behind KIM FOREVER (2) in a 2100m Vincennes Class C on 6 February. Is proven here and from the 3-spot can put on a good show
Ecurie Des Charmes
5 yrs
6th of 16 behind KIM FOREVER (2) in a 2100m Vincennes Class C on 6 February. Paul Ploquin in the bike this time and is sufficiently well-placed to get a look-in
Ecurie Du Feu
5 yrs
Returns to Paris after faulting in a 2150m Cagnes Class C a month back. Well-positioned on front row and if applied can make first 5
Ecurie Du Cojeul
5 yrs
Has not been seen out since winning a 2700m Vincennes Class D on 22 December. Clearly in conditioning mode and best to wait
Ecurie D M Mottier
5 yrs
Not the most reliable but ran a reassuring 4th of 12 in a 2100m Vincennes Class C on 4 February. Has been reconfigured for the occasion and with some luck in running can pick up some crumbs
Ecurie Elag
5 yrs
Won his second of the year when clinching a 2850m Vincennes Class C on 20 February. Takes on another good lot but is still eminently capable of confirming
J Seche
5 yrs
Starts for first time since finishing 8th of 12 in a 2700m Vincennes Class C on 21 December. Likes Enghien, sports front pads, but has pulled an awful draw and will have few friends
Ch Germain
5 yrs
Lightly-raced mare that made short work of a 2100m Class D across town 3 weeks ago. Pitted against better on this occasion but has masses of untapped potential and can play an important role
B Venon
5 yrs
Surprise 2nd of 15 to KER POULGWEN (8) in a 2850m Vincennes Class C 3 weeks ago. Shoes back on though and will have other priorities
Ph Cordon
5 yrs
Unthreatening 6th of 15 to KER POULGWEN (8) in a 2850m Vincennes Class C 3 weeks ago. On back line and poses no danger
Ch Germain
5 yrs
4th of 15 to KER POULGWEN (8) in a 2850m Vincennes Class C 3 weeks ago. Will not be bothered by 2nd line draw and looks a serious proposition
Ecurie Neleke
5 yrs
Showed the limits of her capacity when 9th of 16 behind KIM FOREVER (2) in a 2100m Vincennes Class C on 6 February. Poor draw and no threat
Ecurie Thierry Raffegeau
5 yrs
Makes first appearance since finishing last but one in a 2175m Vincennes ridden Class C last October. Will need the race and prepares for a campaign under the saddle
D Haddad
Race Overview
Excellent in all three starts since the turn of the year, KER POULGWEN (8) has been allocated a wide draw but won his only start at the venue and may just be good enough to deny the better-positioned KIM FOREVER (2) who beat a number of these across town early-February. KRAKANTE (10) has pulled an unenviable number but has done nothing but improve recently and steps up in category with a good hand to play. On a roll since the start of the year, KENNEDY FRANCE (13) gave a good account behind Benoit Robin's horse last time and will be no pushover.
8 - 2 - 10