12:11 Cagnes-sur-Mer
Prix Des Maures Maiden Stakes
• 2150m
• €23,000
• 5
3 yrs
Can build on latest 4th finish at this course over 2000m and is one to take very seriously. Strong place chance
Y Borotra
3 yrs
Will need to do more than debut 6th over 2000m on the 20th of January and others are preferred today. Happy to ignore from the shortlist
Ecurie De La Verte Vallee
3 yrs
Is showing ability and looks ready for the win. His last run was at this very track over 2150m on the 18th of January finishing 2nd and is confidently selected to go one more
Ecurie Gribomont/ecurie Du Sud
3 yrs
Will need to, (and can), build on debut 8th over 2000m on the 20th of last month at this course and is therefore a must for the quartet
B Giraudon
3 yrs
Finished 3rd over 1600m at Pau on the 2nd of January and is showing talent. He can go very close to getting it all right. Strong each way claims
A Jathiere
3 yrs
Managed only 9th place on debut and will need to build on that to feature here. Happy to ignore from all bets
Mme Uc Klaey
Race Overview
AIDAN'S PHONE (3) has been ringing up the stakes cheques in all three starts thus far and looks set to answer the maiden question today and is confidently selected to win. MAYISKI (5) has caught the eye in all three of his races thus far and should certainly not be a maiden for too much longer. Big runner. ESCAPE GAME (1) finished 4th over 2000m on the 27th of last month at this course and has a very bright place chance. LOUIS OTHON (4) has scope to improve on the debut run and can finish in the first four.
3 - 5 - 1