14:05 Cagnes-sur-Mer
De Fabron Stakes
• 1500m
• €23,000
• 10
3 yrs
Unraced gelding by Elarqam, stable runners tend to need a run or two for experience. Watch the betting for clues
M M Boutin
3 yrs
Newcomer by Chachnak, from the Cedric Boutin yard, improvement expected from this gelding from this run. Any market support should be noted
C C Boutin
3 yrs
Newcomer by Garswood, from a respected trainer who will prepare this gelding well for his debut. Monitor the betting patterns
M M Boutin
3 yrs
Gelded son of Elarqam, stable runners are not renowned for producing many first-time out winners. Watch the betting market for clues
M M Boutin
3 yrs
Well-bred colt by New Bay,his dam won on the flat- he is from a good stable that will have this newcomer ready for his first day at school. A leading role can be expected
Ecuries Serge Stempniak
3 yrs
Colt by Kendargent, the mount of Tony Piccone should be nicely tuned for this debut and is one to watch in the betting for clues
Mme S Egloff
3 yrs
Colt by Lope De Vega, his dam was a classy performer who won 3 races including a Group 2 at Chantilly. Jerome Reynier his trainer will have this colt well prepared and a bold show can be expected. The betting market will be informative
Haras d'Etreham
3 yrs
Colt by Masar, his dam won in Germany and was Listed placed in Italy, he could be the Jean-Claude Rouget second string in this. He has a nice profile and any market support will be informative
Mme C Kairis/tolmi/nightchill
3 yrs
Gelding by Ribchester, the dam never ran. Looks good on paper and should be watched in the betting exchanges
Salabi Racing
3 yrs
A gelded son of Kendargent, her dam won over 1700m on the flat in France. One to watch in the betting for clues
Jc Seroul
Race Overview
DIOPTASE (5) has a nice profile and can make a winning debut under Cristian Demuro. His threat could be the other Jean Claude Rouget colt GRECIAN DESTINY (8) could be smart judged on his pedigree. His dam was Listed placed in Italy. MARSIHO (7) has a choice pedigree and his dam was a classy mare who won 3 races, including a Group 2, and was second in a Group 1 race. MOMO D'ARGENT (10) is also one to keep safe and monitor in the betting.
5 - 8 - 7