11:40 Chantilly
Des Aigles Stakes
• 1599m
• €34,000
• 4
2 yrs
Won by 3.5L on his only run at Deauville over 1400m on August 15th. Looks like a useful prospect and can follow up
P Maher/j Baxter/c Fitzgerald
2 yrs
Unplaced last time, 2nd before that over 1600m in a Class 2 race at Vichy on August 23rd. Won a claimer in July over 1600m. Consider
V Nicolato/c Janssen/ec Rogier
2 yrs
Has been 2nd on both starts so far, the most recent in a Class 2 race at Deauville on August 13th. Can be involved at the finish
Haras Voltaire
2 yrs
Has three unplaced runs so far, the latter over 1300m at Deauville in a claimer on August 13th. Looks of limited ability
M Boutin
Race Overview
Impressive on his debut at Deauville in a race for unraced juveniles MARANOA CHARLIE (1) has been found a nice race to follow up. He should have too much in his locker for another sure-fire future winner in PROSECUTOR (3) who has been second on both of his runs. He was expected to make more of a race of it last time after such a promising debut, but he remains a horse with potential. YOUNG AND PROUD (2) won a claimer and has run with credit since, but has work to do.
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